Technical Bases

Our triple effect conditioners are the only ones on the market capable of guaranteeing the total elimination of existing water in the steam pipes.
Advantages of removing all water
✓ Greater thermal transfer
✓ Productive increase
✓ Reduction of working times
✓ Greater energy savings

Title 1 steam at low speed

Good granulation and cooking of flour

Formation of a rigid and compact pellet

Increased production

Why is Title 1 steam at low speed so important?

The lower the proportion of water present in the steam, the greater the heat transfer.Our technology, being able to remove all the existing water in the steam, guarantees maximum thermal transfer.

Our system ensures a Velocity inlet in the mixing chamber between 7 and 12 m / s, thus getting the steam to settle in all the cavities of the chamber transferring all its calorific valueTo the mix, facilitating its passage through the matrix.
✓ Wear the emulsified and pre-cooked flour up to the matrix
Raise the temperature granulation
Moisture homogenization of the flour
Reduction of hateful "gobs" of flour caused by machine dives
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